Kids’ Products Strong Sellers?

Kids’ corner still strong

During tough economic times, such as the one we’re all going through right now, budget-trimming is the norm for most households. Extras such as premium cable stations, customized coffee drinks, magazine subscriptions, and other non-necessary items are the first to go. Then the cutting gets deeper and more serious. But when it comes to spending money on our children, and in particular, our children’s spiritual health and growth, parents are willing to spend.

Despite weakening sales in most book categories, children’s Bibles, Bible storybooks, and other related products continue to be strong sellers in the bookstores. Families will make certain sacrifices in difficult economic times, but they want to make sure that their children are well-grounded in God’s Word. Experts in children’s publishing agree that sales remain strong because parents value those products that will help their children build a strong foundation of faith.

As quoted in an article in Christian Retailers Feb. 6, 2009 edition, Laura Welch, editor in chief for New Leaf Publishing, said, “Even in the toughest economic times, the education and spiritual nurturing of children remains a priority for parents and families.”

And really, when you think about it, what better time to instill in our children the message of hope and where our true security lies? As we are instructed in Deuteronomy 6:7: “Repeat [these commands] again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again” (nlt). In other words, let’s use our current situation—whatever it may be—as teachable moments to encourage our children to trust God as our ultimate Provider.

What this means for those in publishing is that we have a great responsibility to get quality, biblically sound products to the marketplace at price points that won’t break the bank. Many publishers are answering that call by repackaging well-known titles with a fresh face. Others look to brands that carry great cache in the children’s arena, such as VeggieTales and Max Lucado’s Hermie & Friends.

While those are certainly sound and relatively risk-free strategies, our hope is that others will also take advantage of this unique time and situation to produce products that teach children spiritual skills, disciplines, and values that they can employ throughout their lives. For example, now is the time to teach our children the value of money from God’s perspective—and then give them the tools and skills they need to manage what God has given them. Now is the time to help our children understand that while parents lose jobs, or families have to move, God is in control. Give them the Scriptures and the Bible stories to show them God can be trusted to provide and lead us through tough times such as these.

We have at our fingertips the very best source material to help our children grow to be responsible, caring, loving, and hopeful adults as we ground them in the truths of the Gospel. Rather than hunkering down and waiting out the economic storm, let’s be bold in presenting God’s Word to our children in fresh and creative ways, employing all new media and technology to do so.

After all, our children deserve it.

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