
Today in 1902, rayon was patented.

Rayon was the first man-made manufactured fiber. Developed in France in the 1890s, it was originally called “artificial silk.” Although it was patented on this day in 1902, it wasn’t until 1924 that the term rayon was officially adopted by the textile industry.

Unlike most man-made fibers, rayon is not synthetic (that is, made up of chemical compounds like nylon.) Instead, rayon is made from wood pulp, a natural material. For that reason, rayon’s properties come closer to those of other natural fibers such as cotton or linen than those of synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester.

At first, rayon was manufactured for decorative uses. But as its properties and relatively inexpensive cost became more desirable, clothes manufacturers began to blend rayon with other fabrics such as cotton and wool. Today, rayon’s many desirable properties make it a popular choice among some designers, and it appears in more high-end apparel than before.

As good a fiber as rayon has become, it still pales in comparison to natural fibers, such as silk, wool, linen, and cotton. These remain the most reliable and most used fibers in high-end clothing because natural fibers last longer, and the fabrics breathe and are more comfortable to wear than man made.

When it comes to man-made versus God-made, nothing truly beats God’s natural creation. And no one on this earth can add an ounce of creativity or wisdom to what God already possesses. God is the source of all wisdom (Proverbs 2:6). He makes the smartest, most intelligent humans seem foolish when compared to him (1 Corinthians 1:20). God does not rely on us to help him run the world (thankfully!). We are nothing compared to his greatness (Psalm 8).

While it is good for man to use the creativity and intelligence to create, invent, and design new things, we need to remember the source of all wisdom, creativity, and intelligence—our creator God.

Everything else pales beside him.

Can a person’s actions be of benefit to God? Can even a wise person be helpful to him? (Job 22:2).

To Do

Read Psalm 8 aloud. Reflect on God’s greatness and our position before him. Thank him that he has “crowned us with glory and honor.”

Also on this day

1787—The ship Columbia left Boston and began the trip that would make it the first American vessel to sail around the world.

1861—Chewing gum tycoon William Wrigley Jr. was born.

1947—The World Series was televised for the first time.

From Betsy Schmitt and Dave Veerman, 365 Trivia Twist Devotions: An Almanac of Fun Facts and Spiritual Truth for Every Day of the Year (Cincinnati: Standard, 2005). Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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