A Good Teacher

In 551 bc, teacher and philosopher Confucius was born.

According to Chinese tradition, Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. His teachings, preserved in the Analects, form the foundation of much of Chinese thought on the education and behavior of the ideal man.

During his lifetime Confucius is credited with having taught 3,000 students, although tradition has it that only 70 were said to have truly mastered the arts that he cherished. Confucius was willing to teach anyone, no matter what their social standing, as long as they were eager and tireless. His curriculum included morality, proper speech, government, and the refined arts, which included ritual, music, archery, chariot-riding, calligraphy, and computation.

Confucius never lectured at length on any one subject. Instead, he posed questions and used stories or analogies until his students arrived at the right answers. But the hallmark of Confucius’s thought was his emphasis on education and study. Confucius believed that the only path to true understanding was through long and careful study. To Confucius that meant finding a good teacher and imitating his words and deeds.

Nearly 500 years later a teacher of a different sort came upon the scene. Like Confucius, he taught through stories and questions, but he taught lessons of eternal significance: love, mercy, forgiveness, obedience, faithfulness. What’s more, his teachings were the ultimate authority because they came straight from his Father in heaven. The teacher? Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Since Jesus’ time on earth, hundreds of millions have followed his teachings and imitated his life. While Confucius’ claimed his teachings led to true understanding, accepting Jesus as Savior and following his teachings leads to eternal life.

Jesus is the greatest teacher of all time. Imitate his words and deeds. That is the way to life.

Don’t ever let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are on the same level as brothers and sisters (Matthew 23:8).

To Do

Write down three things that you have learned from Jesus’ teachings and his life.

Also on this day

1892—The first nighttime football game took place under electric lights. The game was between Mansfield State Normal School and the Wyoming Seminary.

1924—The first around-the-world flight was completed when two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle, Washington. The trip took 175 days.

1987—Hilary Duff was born.

From Betsy Schmitt and Dave Veerman, 365 Trivia Twist Devotions: An Almanac of Fun Facts and Spiritual Truth for Every Day of the Year (Cincinnati: Standard, 2005). Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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