Give Peace a Chance

Today is International Day of Peace.

The International Day of Peace was established in 1982 through the United Nations as a day set aside for the entire world to observe nonviolence and peace. Since 9/11, the world’s attention has been focused on terror, fear, and war. But behind the scenes, a worldwide movement for peace has been growing.

Organizers try to involve as many people as possible in observing the day. Videoconferences have been set up with children in countries that have experienced war. The World Peace Flag is raised during a ceremony at UN headquarters. An International Day of Peace Vigil, a 24-hour observance for peace and nonviolence, has been organized in places of worship, in neighborhoods, and communities.

People have worked tirelessly to have the entire world observe a Global Day of Ceasefire on this day. The UN has set a goal to involve as many as one billion people worldwide in peace activities. Their hope is that if “we can create one day of peace, we will realize that we can work together to create a culture of peace, one day at a time.”

Too often we think of peace as merely the absence of any conflict. We think about peacemakers as passive and nonaggressive. But peace does not just happen. We have to work at creating peace. In the Bible, Peter urged believers to “work hard” at living in peace with each other. That meant being active in forming good relationships, in resolving problems before they arise, and working with others to ensure a peaceful home, church, or community.

So what can you do today to make peace where you are? It starts one day at a time, one person at a time. Let peace begin with you.

Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others (1 Peter 3:11).

To Do

Make a simple peace pledge. How can you work at peace within your family or among your friends today?

Also on this day

Today is World Gratitude Day.

This is Deaf Awareness Week.

1937—J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit was first published.

From Betsy Schmitt and Dave Veerman, 365 Trivia Twist Devotions: An Almanac of Fun Facts and Spiritual Truth for Every Day of the Year (Cincinnati: Standard, 2005). Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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One Response to “Give Peace a Chance”

  1. Crystal Daye Hedspeth Says:

    Thank you for your extreme word. as I carry it around in pieces in my house, and my husband ordered a leather copy of it fore me. I’m redoing all online so this will change in a month or so. I just need to know a Republican for help.

    I am the Queen of The South Matthew 12:42 / and to keep Trump in office and delay judgment I need to ride my white horse. It is time to try to bring Jesus back. But as Nenevah we may have time yet, but not unless we keep Trump in office. I want to put Trump back in office, and crown Jesus our King upon return.
    My book is “Jesus is Our Star”
    Crystal Daye/ Calasia Day

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