Obedience and Joy

“The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” (Psalm 19:8 NIV)

Jesus echoed this sentiment in John 15 when He said that our joy would overflow through our love and obedience to the Savior. When we obey Him, we remain in His love and when we do that, our joy will be complete (John 15:10-11).


Obeying God gives joy. It’s so simple, so true, yet so difficult. We stray so easily. Following God goes against what feels good at times. It sometimes makes us take the more difficult path, the path that means hanging in with trust and faith instead of reaching for the short-term fix, what we feel we deserve, what makes us feel good. Obeying means being willing to see that there’s a bigger picture; it’s not all about us. Yes, God loves us totally and completely, but His love has bigger plans for us than to just toss us crumbs of happiness. He wants to give us deep, abiding joy that is full, complete, and overflowing (John 15:11), joy that no one can take away (John 16:22). And, as odd as it may seem, that kind of joy is often forged in the fires of difficulty.


True joy is forged in the fires of trusting God when it doesn’t make sense, obeying God when disobedience would feel better, walking with God when the path looks dark and scary. God wants us to find joy that accomplishes His perfect will in our lives, and then spreads from us into our worlds. All of this comes from obedience to His law.


Why? This psalm tells us.


His law revives even the most tired soul, for it grants us guidance when we don’t know what to do (Psalm 19:7). His statutes are trustworthy, giving wisdom when the gray of the world makes us unsure of where the lines are, what’s right or wrong (v. 7).


His precepts are right, giving joy to our hearts, for we know when we do as He says, we are on the right path and He is pleased (v. 8). His commands are radiant, giving us light and guidance when otherwise we would stumble and be unable to find our way (v. 8). By them we are warned; in keeping them there is great reward (v. 11).


That’s why we need to be in God’s Word every day; otherwise we begin to lose perspective. We need to be revived and given wisdom, joy, and light to penetrate the unknown and unfamiliar path ahead.


His words are “more precious than gold, than much pure gold” (v. 10). Their value is without end.


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