David C. Cook

The Transformation Study Bible

David C. Cook

Study Bible

Project Management, Editorial, Design (interior), Composition

David C. Cook wanted to create a study Bible from Warren W. Wiersbe’s plethora of writing. Armed with his many “Be” books, along with his recently published commentaries, Livingstone worked with Dr. Wiersbe and the editors at Cook to create a study Bible with 66 book introductions (including book outlines, book overviews, and a “Be Transformed” section that directs the reader to the overall changing impact of that book of the Bible), Catalyst notes (discussing important biblical themes and character issues), and study notes. All of this needed to be integrated into a whole, with features placed for maximum impact and usability.


The Livingstone team

  • Developed the study Bible’s approach with Dr. Wiersbe and the team at Cook.
  • Studied Dr. Wiersbe’s writings, placing the material appropriately.
  • Selected and edited over 7,000 notes.
  • Excerpted and adapted the “Be Transformed” feature of each Bible book introduction, along with the outline and overview.
  • Selected and adapted the “Catalyst” feature.
  • Managed the editorial process, including the editing and copyediting, before providing a final MS for Cook’s review.
  • Created interior designs for the Bible pages.
  • Typeset the Bible text and all ancillary material.
  • Provided typeset pages for Cook’s review, final proofread, and comments.
  • Ran quality control checks on all pages at every typesetting stage.
  • Developed front and back matter, including an introduction to the book and photo credit list in the back.
  • Prepared final, high-resolution PDFs.

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